Hace un par de días os enviaba la primera circular del Próximo IWEMM, ayer llegó, un aviso de este segundo congreso monográfico sobre la trufa de verano y de Bourgogne. lo dejo aquí colgado por si a alguien puede interesarle y no sabe qué hacer a finales de agosto…

Second Congress of the Tuber aestivum/uncinatum
European Scientific Group (TAUESG)
Deuxième Congrès du Groupe Scientifique Européen
Tuber aestivum/uncinatum (GSETAU)
Juva, Finland, 20-22nd August 2010

Truffle Centre and Bioprocess Engineering Group,
Aalto University,
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Following the first congress of the TAUESG in Vienna last year, this congress will be hosted by the Juva Truffle Centre and Bioprocess Engineering Group, Aalto University, Finland through the intervention of Dr. Salem Shamekh in his capacity as a Director of the Juva Centre and Vice- President of the group 2010.
Dr. Gerard Chevalier, from (I.N. R.A, France) our President will chair the meeting.
Venue: Juva, Finland
Juva Truffle Centre
Huttulantie 1
51901 Juva, Finland

Dates: 20-22nd August 2010
The first session will be at 09:00 hrs, and the last will be at 18:00 hrs every day

Participants: Scientists in a relevant research area, from European countries by invitation
Debate and Voting rights: one representative per European country
The programme is being worked on at the moment to follow on from the minutes of the last meeting.
To plan your participation, the topics will cover Tuber aestivium/uncinatum and the articles of the TAUESG group.  The President is most grateful to the Juva Truffle Centre and Aalto University for the sponsorship of this Second TAUESG Congress.
Registration Fee:  none
Meals: Lunch and Evening meal provided free of charge during conference days (20-22nd August)
Accommodation and breakfast:  at the cost of participants. A list will be supplied for appropriate accommodation.  Please allow up to 60 Euros per night
Transport & flight to/from the venue: at participants’ costs

Visits and transportation:
  • within Juva city: provided for by the organization,
  • pick up from Mikkeli train station by the organisation, train from Helsinki to Mikkeli at the participant’s costs.

Truffle dog trials/ show: potentially as a post conference activity (this needs to be confirmed)
Any paperwork required for your organisation to request funding for your participation, will be supplied by Dr. Salem Shamekh.  Please draft the text required for your organisation‘s authorisation if what has been sent to you already is not sufficient and by which date.

Marie-Anne French French.marie@grosol.co.uk
TAUESG Secretariat  25/4/2010

Registration form:-
Last Name:-
First Name:-

PresentationTitleInterest Area No
( see next page)

Institution or Organisation Name:
Post code:
Telephone:Mobile phone :
Fax :

N.B : The Juva Truffle Centre needs to know the number of participants as soon as possible.  Please therefore forward this registration form to Anna Kankaanpaa anna.kankaanpaa@juvatruf.fi when you know you will come or have the expense authorisation from your institution/organisation. The abstract can be sent at a later stage.  Please see its format and topics on the next page.

  Abstracts Submission:
We are asking our friends and colleagues to submit the abstract to the Juva truffle centre for review by email to Miss Anna Kankaanpaa anna.kankaanpaa@juvatruf.fi with a copy to the Secretariat (French.marie@grosol.co.uk ) by July 2nd 2010. You are required to submit a full paper of the presentation after the abstract has passed peer review.
Abstracts should be submitted using MS Word 1997-2003 or txt format.  The maximum number of words for the abstract is 500 including spaces, titles and keywords.
A4 page size: 2.5 cm bottom, top margin 2.5cm, 4cm for left and right margin; Font: Times New Roman 12 point. Title text in bold and centred, one blank line after the title, Author’s names in bold, whereas the name of the author presenting the paper should be underlined, author’s address in Italics.

The text single-spaced and each paragraph separated by a blank line. Key words should include one of the conference topics (underlined below).
Topics of interest to be noted on your registration form:
Contributions for the ….

  1. Clarification of the taxonomy and nomenclature of the truffles of the complex aestivum/uncinatum
  2. Protection of our heritage and our environment in each European country in surveying and recording their natural habitats, preserving them and maintaining them
  3. Introduction of the cultivation of T. uncinatum in European countries where it is not known (Norway, Finland, Baltic States…)
  4. TAUESG Group Articles
  5. To define agricultural methods specific to T. aestivum /uncinatum, therefore different from those applied for T. melanosporum