Infected pines With Saffron

Infected pines With Saffron


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Micologia Forestal & Aplicada produces infected pines with Saffron Milk Cap (SMC) mushrooms since 1989, it is essentially a pine tree that presents its roots colonized with mycorrhizas of Lactarius deliciosus. In our territory there are three different species of SMC (Lactarius deliciosus, L. L. sanguifluus and L. vinosus). Each is tailored to a particular environment. Each infected pine has been inoculated with the three different strains of selected native Lactarius deliciosus. Thus the environmental conditions where they’re planted will select the most appropriate strain of Lactarius deliciosus for each territory.


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After three years, the fungus has stored sufficient reserves to fruit. Fruiting will hapen in autum every year. Suumer rains or watering will increase crops.
Infected pines with Lactarius deliciosus of MF & A are 1 yaer old and therefore between 15-30cm in height. We have a wide variety of pine species depending on the area where they are to be planted (Pinus radiata, P. sylvestris, P. pinea, P. pinaster…)

Additional information

Number of trees

Box 9 trees, Box 24 trees, Forest tray 40 trees


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