Start date: March 2016 Objectives: This project aims to achieve the systematic production of Pinus pinea mycorrhizated with a special strain of Lactarius deliciosus, able to bear fruit in the pot from the second year of age. Description: For 3 years will make 3 production cycles with stone pine infected with saffron milk cap [...]

Mycoforest Technology – Nueva Zelanda
Marcos Morcillo2017-07-12T14:46:36+00:00Start date: June 2006 Objectives: Technology tranfer to inoculate radiata pine (Pinus radiata) forests with Lactarius deliciosus and Boletus edulis edible wild mushrooms. Design and construction of digger-injector for direct inoculation into forest. Description: Mycoforest technology to be used on a large scale was adapted. For 4 years saffron milk cap and porcini mushrroms [...]

Technology Transfer for Mosbec Truffle Farms – South Africa
Marcos Morcillo2017-07-12T14:20:04+00:00Start date: March 2013 Objectives: Technology Tranfer for production of mycorrhizal tree nursery with black truffle (Tuber melanosporum) in South Africa. Description: In a first step a potential for growing truffles in South Africa map was drawn, suing Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Then it began to transfer the technology to produce trees mycorrhized with [...]

Research Project on Bacteria Associated to Truffles
Marcos Morcillo2017-07-12T14:32:09+00:00Start date: January 2009 End date: December 2011 Microbiological analysis in rhizosphere of seedlings and truffle trees for possible commercial application: a grant Torres Quevedo PTQ-08-03-07858 was obtained. Description: Using a special medium designed by Dr. Xavier Vilanova, Pseudomonadaceae populations were isolated from wild truffieres over 1 year. Additionally they were characterized by PCR and [...]

Desing And Build A Micological Botanical Garden – Spanish Government From Andalucia
Marcos Morcillo2017-07-12T14:39:44+00:00Start date: January 2003. Project Description: At the request of the Government of Andalusia (South Spain region), the design and monitoring of works was carried out to transform a public space of more than 1 hectare in a Botanical Micological Garden & Museum. We recreated several habitats from Andalusia, in order to bear fruiting [...]

Growing Tuber Borchii on Hazels – Chile
Marcos Morcillo2017-07-12T14:44:40+00:00Objectives: Test of hazel tree inoculation with Tuber borchii comparing different stages of inoculation. mycorrhizae were analyzed in the field. Project area: South of Chile, Temuco. The results of this work have been presented at a scientific conference in poster form:poster. More information

Mycelium Quantification of Tuber Melanosporum
Marcos Morcillo2017-07-13T06:59:44+00:00Start date: September 2013 Objectives: Quantification of the mycelium of Tuber melanosporum over a year and creating curves benchmark for Quercus ilex. Methodology: During one year bimonthly two soil samples were taken from truffle plantations. These samples were analyzed by real-time PCR technique in order to quantify the concentration of mycelium black truffle in [...]